
Moony Nappies Are Stunningly High Quality.


best baby nappeisWe were a Pampers household from the time of our son’s birth, mostly because we picked the brand at the store that seemed decent and was reasonably priced. We went through the same issues it seems like almost everyone does with the blowouts, middle of the night screaming fits from a wet diaper, leakage, diaper rash, and more. I was under the impression that every parent suffered from those issues, at least until I got a package of Moony nappies as a present from a friend. I thought, like most people would, that it was a strange gift, but then my son started wearing them and I discovered it was the best gift ever.

I can’t really tell you why, but Japan produces far higher quality nappies than anywhere else in the world. Moony is one of the top brands in the country and there’s good reason for that as they are exceptionally well made and solve so many of the issues we suffered from. Since he started wearing the Moonys my son hasn’t had a single blowout because they’re made to contain even the largest of baby poops and they do a great job of pulling it away from his skin so he doesn’t suffer any irritation issues if I don’t notice he needs to be changed right baby nappeis

There hasn’t been any pee leakage either because the fit is so much better and there’s a pocket in the back that expands when he fills it, keeping the liquid away from his skin and also keeping it from dripping out onto the floor and making a mess all over our house. Thanks to the extreme softness of the material he doesn’t get rashes any more either and he seems much happier, which I’m pleased with.

There’s no problem if you want to stick with Pampers or a comparable brand, but you’re missing out on something great by not at least trying Moony pants. For me, the most noticeable thing has been a relief of the many stresses that come from diaper issues. I can say my son has experienced the same thing as he seems so much happier and his crying fits have lessened. We’ve been loyal customers ever since we made the change and it’s been a worthwhile decision.

2015.12.02 - 11:37
Merries Nappies Replaced Cloth Diapers for Us.

6Shortly after my daughter’s birth it became clear she has seriously sensitive skin, as the seemingly non-stop diaper rash proved. After trying a slew of nappy brands we switched to cloth diapers because it was the only thing that worked. Anyone that’s tried this solution knows it’s something of a hassle to get them clean because you’re dealing with a lot of poop. I know, it’s a little gross, but that’s the reality of the situation and it can get pretty messy, both literally and figuratively. We even had a problem with our washing machine once because there was just too much waste going into it. Plus, I wasn’t exactly thrilled to be washing so many poopy diapers in a week. I know some moms are all about the cloth diapers but the extra time and frustration involved were wearing me down.


After relating my frustrations to a friend, she suggested we try Merries nappies and couldn’t have been more enthusiastic. It was all about the softness and their ability to keep her son dry, and by the time lunch was over I was convinced. Later that night I had ordered a package of the Merries, and a few days later I was ready to put them on my daughter for the first time.


The softness was incredible. I really couldn’t feel much of a difference between the Merries pants and cloth diapers, and when I first held one in my head I was just a touch annoyed that I had been washing poop filled diapers for so many months. I know I’m not quite as Earth conscious as I should be, but the stress relief of having the Merries japaniese nappies makes me a much better mother and that’s far more important to me right now.

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2015.11.24 - 12:32
Comfort and Quality Make Merries Nappies Our Choice.

1446744949_52Those of you that have children with relatively flat bottoms know that a nappy without an elastic waist can be a real problem. Add pee to it and suddenly they’re sagging and sometimes even falling down entirely, which can be quite a mess and is unpleasant for our daughter at the very least. She got to the point where she was complaining about it regularly, which is why we sought out a solution and came to Merries nappies.

The problem with most elastic waist nappies is that they tend to be too tight and can be uncomfortable for the child. They often leave marks because they fit so snugly, which is usually a result of bad design or an unwillingness to invest in the right materials on the part of the manufacturer. Merries nappies have no such issues and I often find myself thinking that they’ve designed a perfect diaper for my daughter.


It’s not all about the elastic waist, of course. They’re also stunningly soft as the cloth-like material was specifically engineered to feel perfect against her skin and keep her free of irritation. This works because the material pulls the moisture away from her skin and stores it in a second layer that can expand as large as it needs to go to ensure she never feels her pee. That lets her sleep through the night and go without irritation when we’re on car trips or out for the day when it would be more difficult to change her.

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2015.11.17 - 12:35
What is necessary to get used to new parents.

After giving birth, lifestyle and attitude of new parents undergo significant changes. No book about raising children will not be able to prepare them for the fact that the needs and desires must now subdue someone else – will always continue to benefit the child. Moreover, in the lives of parents, new realities, which still need to get used to.e1c16a1a0b78bc9600389e91487e9a69

1. Changing diapers

Not all parents feel joy when changing a diaper your baby. And the contents of the diaper, similar to the mustard and certainly not smelling flowers, not everyone is ready.


2. Yes, and in a public place is not always convenient to change the baby diaper

Sometimes it is easier to change a diaper in the car


3. Confusion

Children are constantly making a mess and dirty. You’ll quickly realize that the child is not necessary to wear the white stuff.


4. Do not spam social networks baby pictures

Every day you will have all the photos of your baby, and you want to show the world as each of them would have to resist the temptation to put all of them in social networks


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2015.11.12 - 16:25
Moony Nappies Let Us Sleep through the Night.

y4Sleep is a precious commodity when you’re the parent of a baby. At first there’s little hope of sleeping through the night unless you have the benefit of a full time nanny or a grandparent taking on the task of caring for the child, but that’s a rare treat. Eventually you get to a point where you can expect to get something close to a full night’s sleep, but for us it just wasn’t happening because our baby kept waking up because his diaper was full of pee and it was making him uncomfortable. That’s when we started searching for a better solution and found Moony nappies.

It was an online search that led us to this wondrous product. We read reviews and though it actually seemed hard to believe that a nappy could let our child sleep through the night without feeling


uncomfortable, it’s turned out to be the best thing we could have done for him. I don’t know the science of how they’ve developed these nappies, but I do know that he can fill it overnight and it’s designed to pull the liquid away from his body and store it without leakage. Somehow he stays dry while the nappy is full of his pee. It’s the most amazing thing in the world.

What’s most important is the Moony nappies allow all of us to get a good night’s sleep, at least on most nights. Sometimes he still wakes up crying because he’s a baby, but it’s never because he’s feeling wet and uncomfortable. We wake up in the morning and change him and we can’t believe how wet he is. Plus, the mild issues he used to have with skin irritation have completely disappeared. It’s the most amazing thing and we’re forever grateful to Moony nappies for helping us with this.

2015.11.06 - 12:54
Merries Nappies Are Soft, Thin, and Super Absorbent.

mm It was a strong sense of dissatisfaction with the nappies we were using that sent me on a quest to find something better for my daughter. Like most parents that use disposable diapers, we were buying from the supermarket and going with a relatively cheap brand because they all seemed roughly the same. Our daughter had pretty regular diaper rash issues and the nappies were so bulky that they sometimes inhibited her movement ability, which was always so sad for a growing girl that just wanted to get around. When we found Merries nappies it changed everything for her.

Merries nappies are remarkably thin, almost to the point that it seems like they wouldn’t be effective. They’re actually even more effective than Pampers or Huggies, which are the two most popular brands where we live. It turns out that all that bulk in the design isn’t necessary and is apparently because they’re using cheaper materials and compensating by using more of them to ensure absorbency. mm3Merries are designed better so they can use less material and make it higher quality, leaving my daughter with less of that diaper butt syndrome where she looks bulky down below and ends up having a touch more trouble walking. Now she’s free and the nappy is much closer to a pair of underwear than other brands.


If you’ve ever opened a new diaper and noticed that faint but gross chemical smell you’ll be pleased to know that Merries pants don’t suffer from that issue. It’s a treat for your nose when you open one up and there’s really no smell at all. It doesn’t make a huge difference, but it feels so much nicer to be putting something higher quality onto my daughter.

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2015.11.04 - 12:29
How to Choose Between Merries and Moony Nappies.

11933441_1672824939603393_1502878341595673843_nPay attention to reviews from moms and dads around the world and it becomes obvious that both Merries and Moony nappies are a cut above the rest. They’re a world apart from brands like Pampers and Huggies and they even stand above higher quality diapers thanks to their dedication to excellent design and the use of high quality materials to construct a nappy that makes babies and toddlers comfortable and happy. However, there are a few differences between the two brands and depending on your child’s needs you’ll want to make different choices.

For a child with exceptionally sensitive skin, Moony nappies are the best choice. Both brands are made with softer materials than a typical brand, but the Moony nappies are designed with the needs of kids with sensitive skin in mind. They feel exceptionally smooth and the difference between them and a cheaper brand is truly 11225294_1072695302782570_4537872158482978502_nremarkable. Once you’ve felt it you’ll wonder why you were ever using anything else for your child because the comfort level is incredible. Both brands feature an infusion of vitamin E in the fabric to soothe the skin, so if your child’s sensitivity is fairly normal both will do a wonderful job of warding off diaper rash.

Merries nappies are ideal for a child that produces a higher volume of pee as they’re exceptionally absorbent. Both brands do a good job of this, of course, but if you’ve been dealing with overflows you might consider the Merries brand to make this a non-issue. It’s especially helpful for parents that have had trouble sleeping through the night because they’re woken up repeatedly needing to change. Most parents that have made the switch report that their child now sleeps through the night. The Merries nappies have a specially-designed pocket that expands to fill with pee and keep it away from the child’s body to ensure dryness and comfort all night long without needing to worry about spilling.

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2015.10.30 - 12:44
Moony Nappies Are Simply Better.

new1 Before my son was born I used to roll my eyes at parents complaining about nappies and how difficult it was to find the right kind. I couldn’t fathom that one brand would be immensely different from another, but anyone that’s had children knows it can be a world of difference and I quickly learned just how true that was when my son turned out to have sensitive skin and was constantly irritated by the supermarket diapers we were using. It wasn’t until a friend recommended Moony nappies that I learned how different a well made nappy can be from the cheap kind.

I can’t decide what I like most about them, but I was genuinely surprised that the fit is so much better with Moony nappies. It seems like such a simple thing, but they really do cling like a second skin and since they’re so soft and comfortable it’s not new2the slightest bit irritating to him. Plus, the good fit means there’s no leakage so there’s a lot less stress when it comes to worrying about him making a mess. I don’t have to think about the Moony nappies slipping off either, even if he’s pulling on them.

My friend talked about how the Moony nappies have an indicator strip that tells you when it’s full and needs to be changed and I laughed out loud. I thought it was genuinely silly, and then I started using them for my son and was utterly thrilled. It’s such a small thing but it does actually make a difference because it takes the hassle out of figuring when it’s time to change him. It’s a brilliant design element that should be present in all diapers.

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2015.10.26 - 18:00
Moony Nappies Saved My Baby from Bad Diaper Rash.

Diaper-RashIrritated skin is something most parents of babies deal with. It’s largely unavoidable, but with our daughter it moved from irritation to diaper rash to repeated yeast infections. I don’t want to gross anyone out, but it happens. As we learned, all yeast needs is a warm, wet place to grow and it can get out of control. The doctor told us she’s prone to these infections and that the diapers we were using were a likely culprit in making them worse. After all, what’s wetter and warmer than the inside of a baby’s diaper after she’s gone pee? That’s when we made the switch to Moony nappies.


We asked friends for their recommendations and spent a fair amount of time online reading reviews and write-ups about various diapers. We had been using Pampers and even the more expensive versions weren’t getting the job done. It was after reading the relentless positive reviews of Moony nappies that we decided to take the plunge and order a package of 56. We figured if they worked then it would be worth the price and we haven’t stopped ordering them since.

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2015.10.20 - 19:39
Merries Pants Were the Right Choice for Us.

merriesWe used diapers for about a year with our daughter but just recently we were compelled to switch to pants thanks to some pretty serious resistance to being put on her back. Each time we had to change her we dealt with fits of screaming, crying, and kicking because she just didn’t like it. Fair enough. Why fight it when the pants are out there just waiting to be purchased. Now that we’ve made the change she can stand for changes after she pees, though for most poops she still ends up on her back, so nothing is perfect. After experimenting with multiple brands we ended up going with Merries pants for a few important reasons.

Merries pants are exceptionally absorbent. We’ve never actually experienced a leak in them, even when she sleeps through the night and fills them with pee. They’re really well made in that regard and thanks to smart design decisions they manage to feel dry even when she’s filled the pants. When she gets up in the morning changing is as easy as pulling them down, wiping her clean, and pulling on a new pair of Merries. We’ve never had an issue with poop spilling out either, which can happen sometimes when it’s an especially high volume bowel movement that’s a little looser than ideal. Read more…

2015.10.15 - 13:21
Switching to Moony Nappies Made Our Baby Happy.

IMG_6501When my wife was pregnant I thought I was totally prepared for everything that came with being a parent. I had read books and done research and talked to other parents and felt like I knew everything I could know. Of course, any parent reading this knows just how wrong I was, because no one is ready for having a child and you only get good at it by actually doing it, making all kinds of mistakes, losing sleep, and trying your best. Buying the wrong diapers was one mistake we quickly corrected after a friend enlightened us to the benefits of Moony nappies.

My first reaction was “Wow, that’s so soft!” From what I hear that’s everyone’s first reaction because the diapers most of us buy aren’t made with the same level of care for the baby’s comfort. It’s almost always about keeping the cost as low as possible above everything else, which I understand. What I know now is that it’s worth it to me to prevent diaper rash, skin irritation, and all the crying that comes with that, which is why we’re now a Moony nappies household as long as we’re going to have kinds that need to be in diapers.

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2015.10.09 - 11:25
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Moony Nappies Solved Our Skin Irritation Problems.

DSCF2167We first turned to Moony nappies when we were struggling with skin irritation issues with our daughter. Every morning she would wake up with a wet diaper – though she wouldn’t cry during the night to have it changed – and as a result her skin would be irritated, which led to a cranky baby for the start of every day. Even setting an alarm in the middle of the night to change her didn’t make much of a difference. A friend that had gone through the same issue recommended we check out the nappies that Moony makes and said it would be worth getting them from Japan because they were better.

A little skin irritation isn’t going to ruin a baby’s life, but it was worth looking into new diapers and we’ve been thrilled ever since. I was delighted to discover that the Moony nappies really do stay dry all night and her skin is perfect in the morning because the pee has been pulled away. They use a layer of gel that is specially designed to absorb the pee and keep it away from the soft cotton that rests against the baby’s skin. It holds until morning and because of the high waist and smart design we’ve never experienced leakage, even when she fills the diaper to the brim.

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2015.10.06 - 9:05
Merries Nappies Made All the Difference for My Baby.

IMG_6132Like most parents, when it came time to shop for nappies I went with the brands I had seen relentlessly advertised on television. After hundreds of commercials for Pampers and Huggies had lodged those brands in my brain I didn’t really give it a second thought. I remember thinking, “They’re just nappies, right? How different could they be?” When it turns out your baby has sensitive skin the right brand of nappies can make a huge difference.

After months of rashes, crying, and sleepless nights it was time to make a change. I went online in search of information and after reading forums, review websites, and customer feedback at web shops, we found Merries nappies. They’re made by a Japanese company but they ship all around the world because people have fallen in love with them and now I can say that I’m included in that group. I was a little skeptical of all the glowing reviews people had written online, but after using them for the past six months I’m among the supporters.

It shouldn’t be surprising that intricate design work goes into making nappies, but I confess I was still a little shocked to see the advancements Merries has made over Pampers. Instead of having to check the diaper constantly to see if it’s full, I just have to look at the indicator strip that changes colors when it reaches the point of needing to be changed. The design enhancements they’ve implemented prevent leakage and have eliminated diaper rash for my son, which makes all our lives so much better. I’m constantly amazed at how even when he’s filled his nappy with pee it still manages to stay dry thanks to the absorbent material and that amazing design. Read more…

2015.09.23 - 13:17
Japanese diapers characteristics : Merries and Moony.

IMG_5464We are using both Merries and Moony diapers, that’s why I decided to test hem on absorbency in order to choose one. So, I am going to tell you about Merries and Moony diapers, M size.

The first criterion is diapers’ appearance. I think that their design is almost similar as well as some general peculiarities. For instance, both Merries and Moony diapers have good tapes for better fixation, they are thin and light even if the diaper are full. Speaking about sizes, Moony diapers are the most comfortable. This brand’s size system perfectly fits our baby. Merries diapers are really good for small babies.

In order to test the diapers for absorbency, I have taken a glass of water. I poured the water to the same place on the diaper. Merries diapers and Moony diapers soak the water evenly, and no lumps were appeared. After 3 minutes I have checked whether the diaper is wet or dry. Moony diapers had the driest surface, Merries were a bit more wet. I think that both Merries and Moony have a great absorbency, because I can hardly imagine the situation that baby pees a whole glass of liquid. So, the skin is always dry under the diaper, doesn’t matter which brand you will choose – Merries or Moony. Thus, I can conclude that the diapers should be chosen according to the size and your baby’s comfort!

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2015.09.15 - 10:56
First impression of Moony diapers.

Spice_16_03_2014__1394926923_22993Today I want to share my impression by Japanese diapers Moony, M size (6-11 kg). One pack includes 62 items. Moony were a real discovery for me! They are so soft! I liked that the diapers are divided – for boys and for girls (pink and blue line on the diapers). They have convenient form for the baby’s body, thus letting the diaper perfectly fit baby. Also elastic bands on the waist are never imprinted on baby’s tender skin.

Special thanks that Moony diapers are equipped with such a brilliant tapes which are also soft but they are not suddenly unhooked.

Also, Moony diapers have a great absorbency and there is a fullness indicator on each diaper.

The material of the diaper are breathing in comparison with all the other diapers that we have used(e.g. Pampers). It was a surprise for me that after night-time, the skin of my baby is dry and tender, there is not any diapers rash on it.

My baby is active and happy wearing Moony diapers, he can freely crawl and play. I can compare with other brands and Moony diapers are the best for me and my baby!

2015.09.10 - 11:53
Price your baby – use Moonies.

moonie napiesThe only thing I’m absolutely sure – Moony diapers are the best choice for babies! I bought Moonies for my newborn baby because of many excellent reviews.

Sometimes I alternated Moony diapers with Pampers Active Baby diapers in order to compare these brands because there are many reviews on Pampers diapers as well. However, Moonies I liked more by many reasons.

2015.09.04 - 12:33
Moony diapers don’t have any disadvantage !

Chinese bestbabynappies buyersMy son is 5 months old. As many other parents, we have used almost all brands provided on the market and finally we have found Moony diapers. I cannot share with you any negative sides of these diapers because I see positive sides only. Moony – awesome diapers! Of course, all babies are different and diapers that fir me, may be won’t fir your baby. In comparison with all the other diapers, we didn’t have any troubles with Moony nappies, there were not any irritation, wet skin or some other problems. That’s why I don’t pay attention to the price, because my baby’s comfort is the most important for me! I can recommend Moony diapers for everybody and I am sure that you won’t regret!

2015.09.02 - 22:50
How Moony diapers improved the situation after Pampers Premium Care using.

best baby nappiesAfter disappointment in Pampers Premium care diapers, I have been looking for the alternative for a long time. I bought many different brands, read a great number of reviews and finally we have bought Moony diapers because they were advised by many people. Frankly speaking, I didn’t believe in their magic ability of absorbency and breathing material and my expectation were wrong!
The first advantage that I have noticed was a special opening in a pack that helps to take diapers out.
As for design, I didn’t like it. They differ from common diapers, they are not colourfull, their appearance doesn’t attract attention at all. However, Moony nappies are so soft and the material is so pleasant for baby’s skin. Another advantage of Moony pants is the absence of scent. It is vital for me because my baby suffer from allergic reactions.
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2015.08.31 - 12:26
Merries superiority in comparison with other brands.

When I was pregnant I was preparing everything for my baby myself and the most difficult for me was to choose diapers. I find it the most important because the comfort and health of the baby during the first time of his life are influenced by chosen diapers. To choose one particular brand among this variety provided on the market was almost impossible. My friends adviced me different brand, the internet provided information that all babies are different and the diapers are not universal fo all, they should be tried out. When my husband and I have chosen Merries diapers we didn’t even think that these diapers will perfectly fir our baby! I wasn’t acquainted with Merries brand at all, I didn’t hear about it in comparison with such brands as Libero, Huggies, Pampers.
I can share just advantages of Merries nappies because I haven’t faced with any negative sides. Diapers are not too tight in the waist area, so they don’t irritate your baby at all!
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2015.08.27 - 12:45
Trying out Merries and Moony diapers.

There are so many reviews on Merries diapers on the internet, so I want to compare the most popular Japanese diapers – Merries and Moony diapers. If you want to test any of them I will try to help you.
I have tried bot and my sympathy goes to Moony diapers and I want to describe why:
I want to attract your attention to the inner surface of diapers, it is the softest of any I have ever used for my baby. I think that it is softer than in Merries diapers, but it is also made from cotton.
Moony diapers don’t provoke allergic reaction despite my daughter has very sensitive skin and we had problems with it earlier.
Moony diapers have the indicator that shows how full the diaper is. It is very convenient for parents.
Moony diapers have tapes with the best fixation that is rather important if you prefer tape diapers. They won’t be unhooked until you don’t do it.
Moony diapers are really beautiful. In my opinion, it is very important for babies (especially for girls) to wear beautiful diapers.
I have noticed some negative sides too, for instance:
Japanese diapers are undersized, so you have to take it into account while choosing an appropriate size, because for the first time I have bought the size according to the weight but diapers were less than I needed.
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2015.08.26 - 10:33
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Merries are highly-qualified diapers!

I highly appreciate my baby’s health, that’s why I always choose the best product for her, probably as all mums do, and my choice is Merries!

Choosing diapers for my daughter I have read many reviews on several trademarks, then we have tested the most popular diapers and understood that the best variant is Japanese diapers.

I have noticed that almost all diapers had such problem as leakage but after trying Merries diapers I have forgotten about this problem. Another surprise for me was that they draw in soft poo as well, thus if I don’t have an opportunity to change the diaper right now, I’m sure that my baby feels comfortable. The only problem I found is frequent fakes.

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2015.08.25 - 8:38
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Japanese diapers – leaders of the market.

Why is everybody hung up on Japanese diapers? Do they really worth it or people just want to be on trend?! I will try to answer questions about the most popular on the basis of my own experience!

How do Japanese diapers differ from common diapers?

Diapers are chosen according to the specific criteria and there are always many resons why one trademark is better than another one, the most common criteria is absorbemcy, absence of irritations and diaper rash on baby’s skin, softness and dryness of the inner layer, the absence of leakage and comfort for baby. However, all these factors might be examined only trying out these or those diapers. I have noticed that all Japanese diapers are so soft, the feeling that they are made from pure cotton. Of course, it is not pure, but in the material contents cotton is included.

2015.08.24 - 9:13
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Merries diapers and Pampers Active Baby comparison.

I have 3 children and I want to share my experience regarding diapers with you. For a very long time I have been using Pampers Active Baby diapers. I was satisfied with them. Of course, I had such problems as diapers rashes, irritations, and my baby hated wearing diapers, but these diapers were better than all the others. Then my friend shares her opinion about Merries Diapers. We have tried them and since that time I don’t have any problems.

I want to compare Merries diapers with Pampers Active Baby Diapers according to the following criteria:


Comparing Pampers diapers to Merries diapers, Merries have much better absorbency. When I used Pampers diapers, I changed the diaper up to 8 times per day, first of all because they became too heavy of pee and the diapers didn’t draw in soft poo at all, consequently, my baby suffered from painful irritation. Read more…

2015.08.21 - 12:11
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Japanese diapers Merries or Moony ?

I have tested all the diapers brands provided on the market, but after I have bought Merries diapers for once, I didn’t want to buy anything else. According to the correlation – price/ quality I have selected two brands Merries and Moony diapers. These two brands have rather similar characteristics, in my opinion they are almost the same, and the price is almost the same as well.

I think that the only disadvantage that one can find in these diapers is the price. Some people may consider Merries and Moony diapers are overpriced, but they have to be tried out!

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2015.08.20 - 10:02
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Merries – the best choice for babies!

I don’t want to belaud Japanese diapers for hundred more times but they really worth it! We started buying Merries diapers at once when our baby was born. Actually I can hardly remember why I had chosen exactly this trademark but after that we hadn’t tried something else. We were and are totally satisfied with them, taking into account our baby’s comfort and materials the diapers made from.

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2015.08.03 - 19:28
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Use Merries – no problems.

Trying out almost the whole range of the diapers provided in our supermarkets, I had no idea what is better for my baby. Having done a little research on this field, I have noticed many positive reviews on Merries diapers. It is Japanese brand and I didn’t doubt about my choice, because if something is made in Japan, it is probably high qualified. Merries diapers are awesome – soft, transpiring, with superb absorbency. I want to discuss all in the details. Read more…

2015.08.03 - 19:27
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